Tefera Degu earned his bachelor's degree in Law (LLB) from Bahir Dar University in 2012. He then worked as an assistant lecturer at the Law school of Arba Minch University. Currently, he is a final year postgraduate student (LLM) in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the University of Essex in the UK. 

Regional Systems in Pursuing International Criminal Justice: An Examination of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights
Tefera Degu
African Law and Politics Blog
 Introduction It has been more than thirteen years since the International Criminal Court was established and started its operation on most serious crimes of international concern, namely Genocide, crime against humanity, crimes of war and aggression. The Court was established by virtue of the Rome statute as a permanent international criminal tribunal independent from other United Nations bodies. To date, all cases that have been investigated by ICC are from Africa, specifically on Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Mali, Sudan, Libya, Kenya and Cote d’Ivoire. African countries generally have cooperated in the early stages of the establishment of ICC.
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