Abreha Mesele has graduated from Mekelle University and got his LLB in 2008. Currently, he is a candidate at Addis Ababa University for his LLM. He is now assistant Lecturer at Debre Markos University.

Locating Culture in the Best Interest of the Child
Abreha Z Mesele
Human Rights, Public Policy and Law Blog
The best interest principle is one of the umbrella principles embodied under the CRC which assures the overall development of children to their fullest potential in order to maximize their capacity and become adulthood. Though this principle is a paramount important for the rights of the child, its vagueness impeded its implementation stage due to different wavering concept it has. And the principle of the best interests of the child has been the subject of extensive consideration in academic, operational and other circles.
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International Criminal Court and African Union: Selective Justice?
Abreha Z Mesele
International Law Blog
Before I embarked upon the merit of the issue, some preliminary issues should be discussed to see whether the International Criminal Court (hereinafter called ICC) is targeting Africans. To arrive at a fair and balanced conclusion, there is a need to discuss how the ICC exercises jurisdiction over the most heinous crimes by taking the ICC Statute (Rome Statute). Here, membership, complementarity, referral, and treaty obligations should first be addressed to ascertain the claim that the ICC is selective and targeting Africans. Most, if not all, cases filed in the ICC in the year 2008 were cases from African soil; the issues, whether it was deliberate and targetfull, is going to be determined case by case and issue by issue bases later on.
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