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- Category: Land Law
- Hits: 13192
Our last discussions focused on the general significance and application of registration of real property. In this section, an attempt will be made to consider the understanding and coverage of the registration of real property in our country. Both the strong sides and limitations will be highlighted, considering both the legislative framework and practices.
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- Category: Land Law
- Hits: 12851
In the last section, we have seen cadastre as one main method of Land Information Systems. We discussed about the nature of cadastre, cadastral agencies and its essential contribution to the economy. In the present section, we shall discuss about land registration, a very related matter to cadastre and another important means of maintaining Land Information Systems. Specifically, we shall see its meaning, importance, and procedures. Further, we will see the agencies involved in land register.
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- Category: Land Law
- Hits: 7883
Problems concerning the appropriate use of land resources and improved land management are important worldwide. Due to this, they must be given greater attention. Information related to specified units of immovable property units is a cornerstone of Land Information Systems since data concerning ownership and other property rights, boundaries, areas, land uses, market and assessed values, buildings, etc., are all interrelated. This chapter is devoted to the problem of developing efficient information systems based on such land units by way of putting in place efficient land registration and cadastre. It presents the meaning, nature, types, and purposes of cadastre and land registers. It also treats the types of institutions of cadastre and land registration.
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- Category: Land Law
- Hits: 19017
Rural Land Lease
Rural land lease can also be termed as agricultural land lease as known elsewhere. However, in Ethiopia, there is another form of lease of rural land for investment purpose. The purpose of this part of the discussion is to discuss briefly the types of rural land leases recognized by Federal and Regional rural land proclamations. For the purpose of clarity we shall use the Rural land Proclamations of the Federal (Proc. No. 456/2006), Oromia (Proc. No.130/2007), Amhara (Proc. No. 133/2006) and Tigray regions (Proc. No. 136/2007).