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- Category: African Union Law
- Hits: 71684
1. The Assembly of African Union
The Assembly is the ‘supreme organ of the African Union’ composed of Heads of States and Governments. It meets once in a year in ordinary session, and it can meet in extraordinary session at the request of any member state that has to be approved by a two-third majority of the member states. The Assembly shall be chaired by a Head of State or Government from among the member states who is elected based on consultations among the member states. The chairman shall remain in the position for a period of one year.
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- Category: African Union Law
- Hits: 51526
Objectives of the African Union
The African Union has seventeen objectives in view. These objectives are enumerated herein under are provided in Article 30 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union and Article 3 of the Protocol to amend the Constitutive Act. These are:
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- Category: African Union Law
- Hits: 14088
The Rationale for Personality
Before embarking up on assessing the legal personality of the African Union both at international and domestic levels, it seems imperative to justify why we should bother about the legal personality of international organizations in general and that of the African Union in particular.
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- Category: African Union Law
- Hits: 9334
International institutional law is a body of law that dares to make a systematic study of the institutional problems which arise or may arise in all or most international organizations. International institutional law has to be distinguished from the general law of international organizations, as the former is limited in scope to the institutional aspects of the said organizations.