The Awards recognize the contributions of individuals, policy makers and organizations who have made this growth possible, either by championing free access to law, creating conditions for free access to blossom, or through technology innovation. These actors have worked with LIIs in ways that are significantly impacting democracy in Africa. Their contributions demonstrate a commitment to create open societies, strengthen access to justice, promote the rule of law, and deepen transparency, accountability and citizen participation.

There are three categories of the Awards:

  • Institutional Awards for organizations (public or private) and firms that have supported free access to legal information in Africa. 
  • Individual category for individuals and policy makers who have championed support for free access to legal information in Africa
  • Technology Innovation Award for individuals and institutions who have led the way in the development of software that enable open access to legal information in Africa

To see the announcement for the 2016 FALA Awards, please click HERE.