Seerrii yakkaa meeshaa dudhaalee hawaasa tokko (adda addaa) kan calaqisiisuu fi tarkaanfachiisuu dha. Yakkii yeroo kamiyyuu hawaasa keessatti uummamuu kan danda’u waan ta’eef kanaan wal-qabate adabbii yakkamtoota irratti fudhatamuun isaa waan haafu miti. Kana taanaan akkaata murtiin adabbii ittiin murtaa’u waliin wal qabatee qabxiilee ka’uu qaban keessaa kaayyoon seera yakka nageenyafi tasgabbii hawaasa eeguuf akka meeshatti kan gargaaru ta’uu isaati. Hawaasicha kan eeguus yakkii akka hin raawwatamne ittisuun yoo ta’uu, kanas karaa ittin galmaan gahu keessaa tokko adabbiidha. Raawwattoonni yakka adabamuun isaanii, yakka biraa raawwachuu irraa akka of qusatan kan isaan taasisuu yommuu ta’u, darbees namoota yakka raawwataniifis akeekkachiisa ta’a.

  47078 Hits

አመክሮና በቀለ ገርባ

የኦሮሞ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ንቅናቄ (ኦፌዴን) ምክትል ሊቀመንበርና የኢትዮጵያ ፌደራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ መድረክ ስራ አስፈፃሚ የነበሩት “ህጋዊ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲን ሽፋን በማድረግ  የአሸባሪ ቡድን የሆነው ኦነግ አባል ሆነዋል” በሚል ክስ ተመስርቶባቸው የ8 ዓመት እሥር የተበየነባቸው ሲሆን፤ ይግባኝ ጠይቀው እስሩ ወደ 5 ዓመት ዝቅ ተደርጎላቸዋል፡፡

  9443 Hits

Seera yakkaa itoophiyaa jalatti Adabbii fi tarkaanfiiwwan biroo ga’essota irratti fudhataman fi raawwii isaanii

Seenaa adabbii yakka yoo ilaalle, adabbiin balleessaa adda addaa hordofuun kennamaa ture baay’ee suukaneessaa fi kaayyoo sirna haqaa yakka hammayyaa irraa kan fagaate ture. Adabbiin haala akkasiin kennamaa ture qajeeltoowwanii fi ulaagaalee seera yakka, mirga dhala namaa fi bulchiinsa sirna haqaa yakka kan hin hordofnee fi gonkumaa sirnaa fi qajeeltoo ittiin hogganamu kan hin qabne ture. Haata’u malee, guddina sirna seeraa adda addaa fi dagaagina gaaffii mirga dhala namaa wajjin qajeeltoowwan seera yakkaa fi adabbiin yakkaas guddachaa dhufaniiru.Seerotni adabbii yakkaas adeemsaan boca qabachaa fi qajeeltoowwan bu’uuraa ittiin hogganaman uummachaa deemuun yeroo ammaa kana adabbiin yakkaa haala kabaja mirga namummaa yakkamtootaa hin tuqneen, galma fi kaayyoo seera yakkaa fi bulchiinsa sirna haqaa yakka galmeessisuu danda’utti qophaa’ee fi diriiree jira, raawwiin isaa rakkoo haa qabaatuyyuu malee.

  41646 Hits

Merger: A culprit Behind Uncompetitive markets?

In a business world, business persons boldly strive to get the patronage or custom of consumers to survive and amassed the hefty of benefit in the market. As the business environment exposed to stiff and harsh competition market actors conclude various types of arrangements or agreement to be successful in the market. Among those business arrangements which business persons routinely entered, merger is the one.

  12886 Hits

An Introduction to the Ethiopian Law of Tax Foreclosure: A Commentary

The Ethiopian law of tax enforcement experienced a drastic change following the tax reforms of the 2002. Introduction of self-executing tax enforcement mechanisms was among the grand shifts in the country’s tax system. Previously, the only means of ensuring prompt and certain collection of delinquent taxes was through the time taking judicial proceeding. The disapproved judicial means of enforcing delinquent taxes is now replaced by a self-executing enforcement scheme called ‘tax foreclosure.’

  20235 Hits

What Holds Effective Business Competition Back?

A free market economic system has been taken as a paradigm exposition for organizing and streamlining the relationship between state, private property owners and the community. Taking markets as a panacea to some of the gigantic problems that have bound the communities, such as production and distribution problems of goods and services to the community and consumers, the system got its apogee and acclamation after World War II. Before that, the theoretical base related with free market economic system was laid, in 18th century America.

  12076 Hits

Regional Market Under Siege

It is generally agreed amongst the international community, at least in principle, that liberalization of trade and allowing the free movement of goods, services and people, among countries that share common geographic boundaries and states situated at different poles of the earth, is a must.

  11710 Hits

What Do We Need To Be Reminded Of?

“The great American word is freedom, and in particular freedom of thought, speech and assembly.” Robert M. Hutchins

All freedoms are a single freedom- one and indivisible, although people consider one freedom as more important than the others. The above quote from Robert Hutchins is the sole spirit of the First Amendment to the American constitution. This First Amendment lumps together the freedom of religion, of speech and the press, of assembly, and of petition.

  9812 Hits

Adjudication of FDRE Constitution

Ethiopia, embracing Federal system of governmental structure to create a country of equal Nations, Nationalities and peoples and to put an end to authoritarian rule by democratizing the Ethiopian state and society as a whole, this being a precondition for durable peace and development. The constitution of Ethiopia explicitly acknowledges that the federal government and the states shall have the three governmental organ of legislative, executive and judiciary (Article 50(2)).

  24868 Hits

The ICC and Ethiopia - Still Missing from The Statute

Human rights are to be respected and protected by States through all appropriate measures, so goes the rhetoric.  States must also make solutions available at the domestic level to any citizen who claims his/her rights were violated. Individual victims of human rights violations also have the right to seek justice from regional or international institutions. In some countries, such violations are committed so grossly & systematically that the normal procedures through domestic justice appear insufficient to address them.

  12481 Hits